The cost of perfection

Unnecessary rejection of lateral wrist imaging
Benoit Billebaut
wrist imaging
© Cla78/

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* Pflichtfeld

A discussion about the study on the unnecessary rejection of clinically acceptable lateral wrist imaging.

In their study „The cost of perfection: An investigation into the unnecessary rejection of clinically acceptable lateral wrist imaging“, Steward et al. analysed the image rejection rates of lateral wrist radiography in a large public teaching hospital.

The upgrading from conventional radiography to digital radiography (DR) was expected to lead to a reduction in the rate of image rejection. Although the reasons for image rejection have changed due to DR, the overall rate has not decreased. Although the wrist is frequently affected by fractures, projections of the lateral wrist are especially susceptible to image rejection. The object of the study by Steward et al. was to assess the image rejection rate for images of the lateral wrist and evaluate the decision-making process for repeat…

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