The Liver (3)

Diagnostic Tests and Clinical Significance
Carmen Lobitz
© yodiyim – Fotolia

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If a patient has a liver disease, laboratory tests, radiologic diagnostic and possibly histological examination are essential for a proper diagnosis. Several methods are available. Let’s take a look at their clinical significance!

When do we receive abnormal values of the following lab tests?

Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT)Gamma-GT

GGT levels are elevated in liver diseases, liver metastasis and in biliary obstruction. When testing for alcohol abuse, the enzyme test of choice is the GGT, because it increases immediately if the liver is damaged due to alcohol abuse. Monitoring the course of hepatitis, GGT can also be used. Patients get an excellent prognosis if the GGT is normal. Other reasons for GGT activity change are in the case of a heart attack, or when a patient suffers from a stroke or diabetes mellitus Type 2.

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or Serum Glutamic-Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT)ALT, ALAT bzw. GPT

Liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, metastatic carcinoma, acute hepatitis and non-malignant hepatic…

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